Do You Shy Away…

Do you shy away from it…criticism? Do you see it as “all bad” or do you see it as an opportunity to learn something?

Not all criticism is bad and it’s up to you to put your emotions aside to see if there’s real value in what someone is saying to you. Many times there is that “nugget” of wisdom; a piece of advice that will genuinely benefit you, but when we let our feelings get in the way many times we don’t see it.

The next time someone “criticizes” you, stop and think about it for a minute. They just might be doing you a favor after all.

#seriouscoaching #debbieailman #positivevibes #crystalhealing

How Will It Go…

How will it go for you…your day? Will it go easily or will it be hard?

It’s in your hands’ your thoughts and feelings mold it for you. They determine the direction the day takes.

Expecting the best, thinking of the best and working towards the best possible outcome ensures a smoother running day…so start your off everyday day with intentions of “smooth sailing”

#deborahailman #career #positivevibes #goalsetting

You Can…

You have what you need. You have all you need to be successful right between your ears. Do you know how powerful you really are? Or do you let petty insecurities hold you back?
It has been said that we generally use no more than 10% of our total brain power. That means you have a vast storehouse of knowledge and ability that’s just lying there dormant waiting to be called upon.
Remember you power the next time you start to say “I can’t do this” Remember your power when you feel tempted to turn on your heels and run the other way.
You CAN do it.

debbieailman #strategicinterventioncoaching #seriouscoaching #positivevibes #crystalhealing

Are You Choosing Carefully…

Are you…making a habit of choosing your words carefully? Are you…making a habit of thinking only those thoughts that bring you comfort and also make others smile and want to be in your company?

It is said that more than 80,000 thoughts a day pass through our minds and that most of these thoughts are negative. Just think of the power if most of those 80,000 thoughts were positive and uplifting….

#debbieailman #seriouscoaching #positivevibes  #cystalhealing #coachingwithdebbie

Stay On The Road…

Will it be up or down? Your journey through this life?

Will every setback destroy you; every mistake bring you misery? Will a chance remark deflate you? If you let it then it will. You will always be at the bottom of the steps looking up, but you will never climb to a higher level.

The world is full of setbacks. We all make mistakes. And there’s always somebody saying the “wrong thing” You’re not going to get away from it unless you choose to live in a bubble. And how much fun would that be? Probably not much.

Learn from your mistakes and climb. Let people talk. Ignore it…and climb.

#optmisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithebbie #lifecoaching #positivethinking #debbieailman

We All Make Them…

Oooops… made a mistake! So now what? Do you sit there replaying the unfortunate scenario over and over in your head and thinking to yourself that somehow you are the dumbest person who ever walked the earth? Do you proceed to tell this tale of woe to everyone you meet so they’ll validate that you are indeed the dumbest person who ever walked the earth?
Or do you stop yourself and acknowledge that everyone makes mistakes? Do you stop to acknowledge that mistakes are part of the learning process that teaches us how to do better the next time? Do you then smile and move on to the next task?
Which way of thinking will serve you better the next time you make a mistake?
#seriouscoaching #debbieailman #positivevibes #crystalhealing

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Build It…

Build it…a strong support system.

There are all things that interest us whether it be writing, or kayaking, or whatever else you can think of. There are also many clubs and organizations that support these interests…join one.

Let’s face it- you might be passionate about something and your best friend, significant other, or your siblings have no interest in it- in fact they are tired of hearing about it. So what better thing to do is to find a group where they basically, well, almost always talk about it?

You can meet new friends; friends that have similar interests and they can be a support system for you as you can become for them.

So, if your family is tired of you playing drums until 3 o’clock in the morning well then you can find a place where they embrace it.

Build a support system because you might not always find it in those closest to you.

#crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking #optimisticallyyours #LOA

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Are You A Smiler…

Do you smile? Do you greet each day with anticipation or do you dread the sunrise?
Do you count your blessings or do you curse those you think have “more” than you and just want what they have too?
Are you there to lend a hand to someone who may need you or do you turn your back and then wonder why you’re always alone?
It can turn around. It starts with gratitude and a smile…and it starts with YOU.

debbieailman #seriouscoaching #positivevibes #crystalhealing #strategicinterventioncoaching

Each One…

Each one makes us stronger- each event that causes some turmoil in our lives.

From that turmoil can come determination, strength and confidence. It can mold you into the type of person who can make the best of what life brings us.

Don’t fear turmoil; it is part of life and a part of life that can very valuable indeed, if you take the time to see the value it brings.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie

Do Something Nice…

Enjoy your Saturday! Do something nice for yourself today. Or, even better, do something nice for somebody else.

Go watch a sunrise (or sunset). Go to a park with the kids. Get outside if you can and just take it all in. It’s relaxing. It’s fun. It will make you smile.

If you want to mop the kitchen floor I can pretty much guarantee the floor will still be there when you get home. It won’;t get up and run away if you don’t get to it first thing. But you may miss that spectacular sunset. You may miss those beautiful flowers. You may miss that “ahah!” moment that the kitchen floor will never give you.

Think about it.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #positivethinking #debbieailman #lifecoaching