Do You Recognize Your Strengths? (Or Focus On Your Weakness)

SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESDo you recognize your strengths? Or do you focus on your weaknesses?

Now, you’re probably wondering why I chose this picture to go with today’s blog. Well, I’ll tell you. This is a picture of (left to right) my cousins Billy, Johnny and Gary, and yes that’s me in the hat (why the heck I had a pocketbook I have no clue…I didn’t have any make-up (didn’t need any then) or credit cards.

But next to me is my cousin Gary. He’s a wiz at math; which is probably why he’s a financial analyst today with a major bank. Me? I need a calculator to add two + two.

But for years, when I was growing up, Gary would come over to tutor me in various forms of math. It progressed, you know, to geometry and algebra and calculus.

But it didn’t matter how much Gary tried, or how patient he was…I just didn’t get it.

Math was NOT my strength, but I completed my English Regents Exam in thirty minutes and got 100% (they give you three hours to complete it)

So, in my long winded way, I’m trying to make a point…you KNOW what you’re good at. You KNOW what comes easy to you and what makes you happy doing it.

FOLLOW that way…for it is your way; it’s the way you’re supposed to go.

Me? Ya know, now I need that pocketbook…for my make-up, my checkbook…and my calculator;)

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