Just A Little

Just a little dab will do you..a little dab of kindness.

A friend of mine has an older family in the hospital, and this lady was scared. They give out little teddy bears to the little kids when they come in, but nobody thought to give one to this older lady except this one one orderly who grabbed on and gave it to the woman.

She immediately calmed down and hugged the little bear until she fell asleep peacefully. After that, she hung onto that stuffed toy and it comforted her. And so did the orderly, who made it a point to visit her each day after his shift.

A little kindness goes a long way.

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Are You Underestimating Yourself…

Are you underestimating yourself? Are you underestimating your talents while overvaluing what others can do?

For example, maybe you’re a great interior decorator, and people, over the years have come to you for advice and everything you’ve told them has been exactly what they loved. You just have an eye for colors and fabrics and styles and, well you get the idea. In fact, you’re very creative. Many people have told you that you should be doing this for a living.

But somehow you don’t see it that way. You seem to think that anybody can do what you do. Anybody will know exactly how to decorate their own home or office. But then why do so many people come to you for advice no matter where you go?

You’re at the checkout line in the grocery store and you see your neighbor, and she has her friend with her. What’s the first thing she says? Oh, I’m so glad to see you. This is my friend Dave and he just bought a place a few blocks from us. I told him that YOU were the perfect person to help him decorate it! Hint… hint…

But instead you focus on your other neighbor who has a landscaping business. And you say to yourself “Now, that’s a talent! I wish I could create some of the designs that Larry can.”

Okay, Larry is talented but so are you. One is not better than the other. Larry has a talent for knowing how to create a beautiful garden with flowers; you create beautiful spaces using another medium. You BOTH are using your natural talents, but Larry has built a business around his. Hint…hint.

Don’t underestimate your abilities but instead use them to move forward in life.

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Keep It Up…


Keep doing it…dreaming. It is not a waste of time but rather a corridor for your goals. Your dream is a guide sent from your inner self; a nudge from the Universe itself.

So keep doing it. Spend some time thinking about your dreams and the message they are giving you because it is a very valuable message indeed so don’t toss it aside and say “it’s just a dream.”

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking

Be Your Own…



Be your own barometer. How can you do that? By noticing your feelings in different situations.

When you feel good; when you feel open; when you feel ANYTHING is possible then you know you’re in the right place… the place where dreams come true; the place where miracles happen.

But when you feel nervous, anxious, angry, jealous or insecure, then you’ve entered the land of “blockage” the place where you and the things you want stagnate and just seem to fall apart.

Practice feeling good. Practice being grateful for what you have.Practice being happy for the good fortune of others. Be kind in your words and deeds. Move forward in life with positive expectation and a smile.

See the difference it can make in your life

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Keep It In Perspective…


Keep it in perspective- things that happen in your life. In other words- don’t sweat the small stuff.

So many times, we can take a minor inconvenience like running out of milk or maybe even a flat tire and blow it up out of proportion. It’s the end of the world to us- and we tell ourselves things like that too- until we’ve worked ourselves up into a frenzy.

And then after it’s done we finally calm down. But is it really worth all that time being upset? Absolutely not.

So next time,let’s think about the situation and ask ourselves “Is this really worth getting upset over? Is this really something I can’t handle? Chances are the voice you will hear will say “Of course not! You got this.”

Listen to that voice…

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #positivethinking #debbieailman #lifecoaching





Sometimes ya gotta…let go. Sometimes you need to walk away from a situation where you may not be getting the best possible outcome. And that applies to our relationships as well.

If you are not being treated with respect and if you don’t feel good being in the company of another person then it may be time to move on. Waiting for somebody to change may mean you’re in for a very long wait. Yes, people CAN change and often do- but a lasting change is one where the person makes that change because they honestly feel it is in their own best interest to do so and not because somebody else is trying to “make” them do it. Those types of changes never last and the person being asked to make that change may come to resent it- and you.

Always remember that you are worth being loved and appreciated and seek out those who will indeed appreciate you- and then you do the same for them.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking #crystalhealing

Keep On Track…

Keep on track. Don’t let the mood of other people affect you. People will sometimes be in a bad mood and say things inadvertently that can upset you and make you doubt your way.

Recognize these things for what they are…just a passing opinion. Don’t hold onto that negatively just let it go. Smile and off you go in the same direction as before. Keep on your track and don’t let anyone try to push you off…

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Take A Good Look…

Take a good look…at yourself. Look at all those wonderful qualities you have. There is no one in the world quite like you.

So many times, we put ourselves down. We play up the things that we might not be so good at and downplay all those things that we really do well. Somehow those things just aren’t that important; anybody can do those anyway.

But that is not true. You may have a way with words, while another does not. You might be good t math, while another (and I’m one of them) needs a calculator for everything. You might have an artistic flare while another can draw only stick figures.

Focus on what you do well and celebrate it!

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Don’t Let It Haunt You…

Don’t let it haunt you…your past. Don’t carry it around with you everywhere you go. Don’t let it take up all that room in your thoughts. It needs to be left behind.

We all make mistakes. We’ve all done things that we’ve been less than proud of. All of us. The point ere is- do we learn from these things and move on successfully- or do we just keep reliving them over and over and over again?

Your choice. Stay stuck with the “ghosts” of yesterday or move forward towards a brighter tomorrow?

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #positivethinking #debbieailman #lifecoaching #counselingwithdebbie #LOA .


It Sure Helps…

It sure helps…being thankful. It just makes you feel better, more calm, more peaceful, and just happier.it makes you glad to be alive.

Think about the times that you have been thankful for something. Think about the way you felt. Think about the actions you then took as a result of feeling good. You took some great steps, right? You probably got a lot more done than if you sat around feeling sorry for yourself, right?

Let’s all shift our focus towards being thankful today and then we’ll make it a great day!

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Vibrant Sun 3