It’s Your Story…

It’s a reflection of you…your world; your life. The thoughts you think and the feelings you generate create it all around you; every minute of every day.

If you’re like this girl, she is happily dancing to her own beat and so are you.. You see life as a series of happy events and when challenges present themselves it is only to help make us better and stronger.

But if you’re generating thoughts of sadness and defeat; and if you are feeling that way every step of the way then that is what is popping up around you.

It’s your choice to make; it’s your world to live in.

#seriouscoaching #debbieailman #crystalhealing #positivevibes


Be your own barometer. How can you do that? By noticing your feelings in different situations.

When you feel good; when you feel open; when you feel ANYTHING is possible then you know you’re in the right place… the place where dreams come true; the place where miracles happen.

But when you feel nervous, anxious, angry, jealous or insecure, then you’ve entered the land of “blockage” the place where you and the things you want stagnate and just seem to fall apart.

Practice feeling good. Practice being grateful for what you have.Practice being happy for the good fortune of others. Be kind in your words and deeds. Move forward in life with positive expectation and a smile.

See the difference it can make in your life.

#seriouscoaching #debbieailman #positivevibes #crystalhealing

Smash Them…

Smash them…the boundaries you set for yourself (or had somebody else set them for you) Take a hammer and just smack them to bits.

Look, life really does hold unlimited promise for you but you have to believe it. You have to believe in you and that there are wonderful things ready to cone to you if you just let them.

But if you stand in that dusty old corners with your arms crossed shaking your head then nothing is going to come to you. Nothing. Zip. Nada. Zero.

Life is short so why not uncross your arms, dust yourself off and open the door to see what’s out there for you?

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #posirivethinking #debbieailman #lifecoaching

Don’t Let It…

Don’t let it haunt you…your past. Don’t carry it around with you everywhere you go. Don’t let it take up all that room in your thoughts. It needs to be left behind.

We all make mistakes. We’ve all done things that we’ve been less than proud of. All of us. The point ere is- do we learn from these things and move on successfully- or do we just keep reliving them over and over and over again?

Your choice. Stay stuck with the “ghosts” of yesterday or move forward towards a brighter tomorrow?

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #positivethinking #debbieailman

Just A Little…

Boost your confidence- take a small step towards your goal. Even a small step is better than just kind of sitting there waiting to get started. It’s like keeping a car engine on “idle” -A car was meant to move ahead and so are you,

Start small…but start. You’ll see the difference it makes in the way you feel about what you are doing. You’ll start to feel better not only about your project but also about your ability to complete it successfully.

Just try it- try it right now and see what you think.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking

A Little…

Just a little dab will do you..a little dab of kindness.

A friend of mine has an older family in the hospital, and this lady was scared. They give out little teddy bears to the little kids when they come in, but nobody thought to give one to this older lady except this one one orderly who grabbed on and gave it to the woman.

She immediately calmed down and hugged the little bear until she fell asleep peacefully. After that, she hung onto that stuffed toy and it comforted her. And so did the orderly, who made it a point to visit her each day after his shift.

A little kindness goes a long way.

Get To The Point…

Get to the point…the point of what it is you want. Zero in on it like a laser. Make up your mind what it is, and not go about your day saying things like “well, maybe I want this,” or “hey wait, I think I’d like this better.”

It’s better to become an authority on one thing than to do several things half way, and have little or no enthusiasm for them.

Besides, the Universe needs to know what to bring you, and not merely guess on a whim.

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Keep looking inside…for happiness. That is where happiness truly comes from. We search for it over and over in external things, but we find that those things only give us fleeting happiness at best before we’re on to the next best thing. So we spend our time living in between the things we think are going to make us happy when we get them.

Let’s live for now. Let’s be happy now. Now is the time and not sometime in the future.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #positivethinking #lifecoaching #debbieailman

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Which Are You…

Are you a smiler or a frowner? Are you a pleasure to be around; do people actively seek out your company and look forward to spending time with you or do they run and hide when they see you; not wanting to hear you whine and complain about everything from your stubbed toe to the way you feel about the state of the world today?

Look, people who smile and are pleasant not only make the people around them feel better but they make themselves feel better as well.

So be a smiler. Besides, frowning gives you wrinkles;)