Be Glad…

Be glad…for the good fortune of others Be genuinely happy. Offer the your good will.

When we are jealous and envious, then we tell the Universe that because someone else had good fortune that there is not enough for us. And if we believe that there is not enough for us then that’s what will happen- there will not be enough. Then not only will we still be envious, but we’re not going to get what we want.

There is enough for everyone.Truly there is. Be glad for others and they will be here to be glad for you too.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #positivethinking #debbieailman

Use Them…

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Are you using them…affirmations? If not why not?

Affirmations can really help. Pick out one that has meaning for you (or make your own) and say them often. Write them down and put them in places where you can easily see them to remind yourself to say and think about them. Say them to yourself in the mirror. Okay, it may seem silly at first, but the more you do it the more it makes sense to keep doing it and the more it helps. You’ll start reaching for what has become your “mantra” and stop using the usual things you tell yourself to beat yourself up.

And the more uplifting your words then the more uplifting your life becomes.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #positivethinking #debbieailman


Don’t let it into your life…drama.

It’s great to watch on TV, but when you let it into your life it can be a mess. Sure, there are many things to get upset about in life. But those things should not include- a chipped nail, missing the green light, having to stand an extra 90 seconds in line at the grocery store, and so on. The more you react strongly to even the most trivial situations the more you will generate the discomfort that comes from all that stuff- anger, fear, frustration-etc.

Learn to shrug off minor upsets and you will find the confidence and composure to weather the more turbulent seas of life.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #positivethinking #debbieailman #lifecoaching

Cultivate It…

Cultivate it as much as you can…an attitude of calm. Count to ten before you get angry. Instead of getting into an argument, walk away until you calm down. Take things at a slower pace when you can- you don’t have to be in a rush to go everywhere and do everything. Slow down a little. Spend some quiet time- maybe a walk or listening to relaxing music.

Cut off anger and drama before it takes hold. Cultivate that peaceful feeling.

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They’re all around you…signs. Yes, those signs you’ve been looking for and asking for. But you need to keep your ears and eyes peeled for them.
It could be a song on the radio or a chance remark by a stranger. It might be a message on a billboard or in the letters of a license plate. It could be a change in the direction of the wind, or overheard in a television commercial.
The point is that they are there waiting for you to say “oh yeah…got it.” So the next time you wonder about something don’t wonder at all…just know…it is for you.

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What Is Holding You Back…

What’s holding you back? What’s holding you back from going after the things you want?

So many times we tell ourselves things like “If it were only a different time or circumstance” or “If only I were younger (or older) or any combination of things, but the truth is that what is truly holding us back is us. Just us, and that thing that is hanging around us that has a name we’re all familiar with…fear. Fear is not the friend we think it is. it tells us lies, it tells us things to make us feel bad. So get rid of him.

There’s another friend waiting for you, a kinder and more supportive fried whose name is “confidence”

#optimisticallyyours #counselingwithdebbie #LOA #crystalhealing #debbieailman #lifecoaching #positivethinking

Where Is It…

Where does your passion lie? What really makes your heart leap when you think of it? You know the feeling I’m talking about… and you feel like a million dollars when you speak of it and you can speak about it for seemingly hours.

Is that the direction your life is taking? Are you routinely engaged in activities that spark your passion, in activities that give you purpose and a reason to smile so big you think you’re going to crack your face?

Or are you just going through the motions everyday wishing you could just throw the covers over your face and forget about the new day?

Take time today to find ways to make your passion part of your everyday life. It is worth the time.

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Keep it focused…your attention on the right- here and right- now. Work with today, and what you can do today to make your day run more smoothly. Take action now.

Thinking about what you’re going to do tomorrow, or worrying about the stuff that happened yesterday won’t do a darned thing for you right now.

Your concentration on what’s going on at the moment will though

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking

Get To The Point…

Get to the point…the point of what it is you want. Zero in on it like a laser. Make up your mind what it is, and not go about your day saying things like “well, maybe I want this,” or “hey wait, I think I’d like this better.”

It’s better to become an authority on one thing than to do several things half way, and have little or no enthusiasm for them.

Besides, the Universe needs to know what to bring you, and not merely guess on a whim.

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When you feel shaky and unsure concentrate on something you do well. This will help build your confidence and enable you to go on. Norman Vincent Peale, in his book “Positive Imaging” tells us that if you bake cookies well, then bake them…often, even if you give them away. The satisfaction of doing a task well puts you in a better frame of mind and helps you to be successful at doing other things that you may not be so sure of.
Try it, it works and check out Dr. Peale’s books as well- he is my favorite author.

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