Deborah Ailman

Law of Attraction and Positive Thought Coach

Deborah Ailman

Take It Slow…

Find your place. You’ll know when it feels right. Whether your place is in an office or out in the field; whether it is in a condo or a house or perhaps sharing your space with a good friend or maybe significant other or a houseful of pets…you’ll know what feels right. You’ll know what feels like YOU.

You don’t have to be what everybody else is…unless you want to. But there is a path for you; there is a road that has your name on it and it belongs to you.

So go and find it. It is waiting for you. It is where your destiny is

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What’s On The Screen…

What’s playing…in the theater of your mind? What kind of movies?

Are the movies of success, and confidence and of moving forward? Even though there could be setbacks along the way, do your movies show you meeting them and continuing your journey? Do your movies make you happy? Then good for you then you are on the right track and keep screening those movies.

But if those are not the type of movies that are playing in the theater of your mind then perhaps it’s time to change the film.

#optimisticallyyours #debbieailman #lifecoaching #positivethinking #counselingwithdebbie #LOA #crystalhealing

We Hold It…

We change it with our thoughts…our destiny. Now we can sit there and tell ourselves that we are where we are in life because of the weather, or the amount of schooling we have, or our parents… but the truth is that we are where we are because of our thoughts and the resulting emotions we feel because of them.

We have tremendous power but how often do we give that power away because of an external circumstance? If we keep this power in mind then we can keep a closer watch on what we are thinking and how to switch it up in order for them to be more productive for us. We won’t let random thoughts enter our heads and take over.

We need to be in charge of ourselves.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #debbieailman #posotvethinking


Are you communicating? Are you asking for what you want (in a polite way of course) or are you just expecting people to guess?

There are very few mind readers out there. No one is going to get directly in your head and see where your thoughts are going, even those close to you.

Speak up. Say what you mean. Ask for what you want. You can do it. And don’t forget to say “thank you”

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #lifecoaching #counselingwithdebbie #positivethinking #lifecoaching #debbieailman

You Can Find It…

Find your place. You’ll know when it feels right. Whether your place is in an office or out in the field; whether it is in a condo or a house or perhaps sharing your space with a good friend or maybe significant other or a houseful of pets…you’ll know what feels right. You’ll know what feels like YOU.

You don’t have to be what everybody else is…unless you want to. But there is a path for you; there is a road that has your name on it and it belongs to you.

So go and find it. It is waiting for you. It is where your destiny is

#seriouscoaching #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivevibes #crystalhealing

So Write It Down…

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Do you keep track? Do you write down your goals? If not, why not?

Just  the act of writing then down makes them more concrete. The idea of crossing things you’ve gotten done is very motivating. Get yourself the kind of notebook you like and the kind of writing instrument you like. Make it a pleasurable experience to keep a goal list. Keep it with you and review and update as you see fit.

The act of writing things down helps us immeasurably. Why not give it a try and see if it works for you.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #debbieailman #positivethinking #debbieailman #lifecoaching #counselingithdebbie

One Of Those Days…

You know, we’ve all seen it- someone we know is in a bad mood so the first thing we assume is that we have something to do with it. So we get defensive, ask them what the heck is wrong with them, and then it goes haywire.We are all entitled to our emotions. Sometimes we have a bad day & all we want is to be left alone to sort it out. Give that person the space to do it. You can surely ask if there’s a problem, but if they don’t answer let it go. You can say something like “Hey I’m here if you need to talk” but then let it go.Go about your day. Focus on happy things, because seeing you do that may help break the person out of their funk.#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking

Let It Slide…

Let it go- the comments of other people sometimes. Not everyone will agree with everything you do. They just won’t. But that is no reason for you to change your mind about what you’re doing or what your plans are if you really believe in them.

No one will ever have 100% of the vote- they’ll always be someone (and sometimes quite a few) who won’t agree with you. But that doesn’t make them right or you wrong. Go with your gut and listen to your inner voice at all times and go with it.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #positivethinking #debbieailman

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Are You Your Own Best Friend…

What are you saying exactly- when you talk to yourself?

Take a little time to notice that today. Take a little time to notice how you feel when you talk to yourself. If you feel good, if you feel like the thoughts you think spur you on to reach your goals then good for you.

But if that is not the case then you may want to notice what goes on in your head. Are you beating yourself up mentally? Are you selling yourself short?

Why not try talking to yourself like your own best friend? Just try it, and see the difference it can make in the way you think and feel.

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Talkie Talkie…

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How do you communicate? Are you polite, calm and to the point? Or do you get mad, ramble on, and get frustrated?

Being polite is like gold. Being polite opens doors where they were closed before. And being calm, having an even tone in your voice gets people to understand and respect you. It can get you what you need.

Standing around and waving your arms… people may just think you’re getting ready to fly away.

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