Think of It…

Think of it as a starting point- where you are now; your present circumstances. Where you are now is not the end- it is merely the beginning of your journey.

If you believe you can get where you want to go from this starting point, then you will- the way will be shown to you

If you believe where you are now is the end of your journey then you won’t go anywhere and you’ll have a miserable while you’re just standing there as well so…

Believe that today is the start of a glorious journey that will take you where you want to go and then…enjoy the ride!

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie


Which will it be- which thoughts will you choose? Will you choose the thoughts that will uplift you, inspire you, make you feel good? Will you make a commitment to yourself to keep up those quality thoughts? You can do it.

Or will you choose thoughts that make you feel bad and low energy and that keep you in fear, because you can choose those as well- it’s up to you.

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Look Around…

They’re all around you…signs. Yes, those signs you’ve been looking for and asking for. But you need to keep your ears and eyes peeled for them.
It could be a song on the radio or a chance remark by a stranger. It might be a message on a billboard or in the letters of a license plate. It could be a change in the direction of the wind, or overheard in a television commercial.
The point is that they are there waiting for you to say “oh yeah…got it.” So the next time you wonder about something don’t wonder at all…just know…it is for you.

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It’s Yours…

It’s got to belong to you- your path; your journey. Sure you can look at a friend and say “Should I be doing that?” or “Look at Joe, maybe I should get into his field of work because he does so well.”

But, you know what? We can do that all day. We can look at this one and that one and then we can wonder if we “measure up.” Would our lives be better if we were more like someone else?

But the old saying “The grass is greener on the other side” is a very true one. Somethings do look better looking from the outside in, but if you keep looking t different people and then changing your mind you’ll never find your way.

Let your inner voice guide you and choose it as your ONLY guide.

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Are You Holding On…

Are you holding on to an old grudge? Are you re-living an old argument in your head over and over? Are you refusing to speak with somebody or get together with them?

Why? Holding onto old hurts is like hitting yourself in the head with a frying pan over and over. Unless you like having a headache or bumps on your head it’s not a positive thing to do.

What IS positive is holding out the olive branch. Make that connection. Make that call. Mend that bridge. It will make you and the other person feel a lot better. The frying pan…use it for cooking and not to beat yourself up

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What’s Keeping You…

What’s holding you back? What’s holding you back from going after the things you want?

So many times we tell ourselves things like “If it were only a different time or circumstance” or “If only I were younger (or older) or any combination of things, but the truth is that what is truly holding us back is us. Just us, and that thing that is hanging around us that has a name we’re all familiar with…fear. Fear is not the friend we think it is. it tells us lies, it tells us things to make us feel bad. So get rid of him.

There’s another friend waiting for you, a kinder and more supportive fried whose name is “confidence”

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Keep It In Perspective…

Keep it in perspective- those little annoyances in life. Missing your bus or train is not the end of the world. Having to buy another brand of fabric softener from your usual brand is not an apocalypse.

So often we make such a big deal out of little things, we pump so much negative energy into them that we condition ourselves to get upset at the drop of a hat- and that is no way to be.

Before you get mad over a small thing ask yourself if it’s really worth getting upset over.

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Do You Back Away…

Do you shy away from it…criticism? Do you see it as “all bad” or do you see it as an opportunity to learn something?

Not all criticism is bad and it’s up to you to put your emotions aside to see if there’s real value in what someone is saying to you. Many times there is that “nugget” of wisdom; a piece of advice that will genuinely benefit you, but when we let our feelings get in the way many times we don’t see it.

The next time someone “criticizes” you, stop and think about it for a minute. They just might be doing you a favor after all.

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Are You…

Are you working on improving yourself? Or do you put all your focus on what’s wrong with other people? Do you carp and complain all day about what someone else might have done wrong or do you tale steps to insure you’ll do the best possible job that you can?

Part of the Optimist Creed tells us “Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.”

Focus on you. Be the best “you” that you ca be.

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We Shine…

Why compare yourself to another? We all have unique and wonderful talents. There are also things that we cannot (or choose not to) do.

Maybe Mary can make a costume from a scrap of cloth but she can’t keep her checkbook straight. Maybe Dan is great with numbers but he’s too shy to give a short speech at his local community center. Maybe Eileen is a great cook but can never seem to be on time.

We are all here to celebrate our uniqueness and to appreciate the uniqueness of others…not to stick out our tongues and say “nah, nah nah” I’m better than you!”

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