
Respect is always best.., respect for the opinions of others.

We all don’t think alike; we have all had different life experiences which shape the way we think. And one way of thinking probably is not better than another way. Everyone has a right to their own journey.

So the next tine you feel tempted to say something like “that’s not the way I would do that” remember that it’s YOUR opinion that you are putting out there’ perhaps their way is the one that is best for them…or- they know an even better way!

Let’s live and let live.


Encourage someone…every chance you get. Use words that build them up. Show them they can do it. Don’t sit back with you arms folded and say things like “oh forget it, you can’t do anything!”

Those words hurt and they don’t help. When you help someone you actually help yourself as well – perhaps you will learn something you didn’t know before.

#debbieailman #seriouscoaching #positivevibes #crystalhealing #coachingwithdebbie

Clear Site…

Do you see them clearly- your goals; your dreams? Do you carry them with you in your heart and your mind? Do you look for opportunities to help your goals come to fruition?

Or does what you want change with the wind. Does it change when you hear Sarah talk about her dream and then say “Hey, that sound good.” Or do you hear John talk about his goal and think “Hey wait…that sounds even better.”

Those goals belong to them. They are not yours. Search inside your soul to see what resonates with you and then stick with it.

If you keep changing your mind you’ll never reach the destination meant for you.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking

They Matter…

Yes they matter- the things that we do well, but somehow, many times, we tend to downplay what we do- and play up the accomplishments of others.

Now there’s nothing wrong with admiring a job well done by another. It’s great to give them a compliment and mean it.

But how often do we say something like “Oh, it’s no big deal,” when someone compliments us on a job well done? And then how often do we then walk away feeling bad about ourselves, while the person who just gave us the compliment walks away perplexed?

But what if, when that person said “Job well done” we said something like “thank you” and then smiled? Think about the way that would feel. That feels a heck of a lot better than just walking away- doesn’t it?

So why no try it next time- because you do things well- and it matters.

#seriouscoaching #debbieailman #positivevibes #crystalhealing

Right Now…

The time is always right- to begin. You don’t have to wait until Tuesday next, or your grandmother’s birthday. You don’t have to wait at all. In fact you probably shouldn’t wait.

The Universe dropped an idea in your head for you to act on. It didn’t put it there so you can think about it for the next five years. If you have an impulse that something is right then it usually is- and needs some action.

Take that action.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie

Feeding The Green Eyed Monster…

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Okay if you’re gonna keep on doing it…entertaining the green- eyed monster, that is, then you’re going to stay stuck.

If you lean out the window to look at Paul’s new Mercedes and then think to yourself “Oh man, he doesn’t deserve that…I do!” then that car is just going to move further and further away from you because you believe that all there is is lack in this Universe; Paul has the car you want so that’s it; that’s the last one, and he’s got it! You might as well dust off that old rusty bike in the basement because that’s what you’ll be using.

But if you get up, get dressed, and go out to greet Paul to congratulate him on his brand new car and mean the words you say…then you have just affirmed a bountiful Universe. What Paul has can be yours as well (and no, you don’t have to steal his) In fact, this is your sign that yours is on the way.

It’s up to you really. If you want to be envious and turn green, be my guest.

But if you want to affirm our limitless Universe, then toss that green eyed goopy thing out your door and tell him to get lost. He’s got no place in your life. You’ve got better things to do.

#seriouscoaching #crystalhealing #debbieailman #positivevibes

Your Choice…

You make the decision…about how you feel when things happen to you.

Do you see a “problem” as a chance to grow, as a chance to learn new things?Do you go into it with an open mind and work toward the best possible outcome?

Or do you allow problems to devastate you and leave you immobile? Do you see the as thick, concrete walls that are impossible to climb?  Do you say to yourself that no matter what, this will NOT  have a good outcome?

You have two ways to look at this- one way will help you- and one way will not.

Which do you choose?

#seriouscoaching #debbieailman #positivevibes #crystalhealing

Be Ready…

Be ready for it and embrace it…change. Things normally do have to change before they get better, and yes, change can be scary;venturing into the unknown can be unsettling and uncomfortable.But if we can push past these feelings and take a new path then the rewards can be worth it.

So remember, change is a necessary part of life if we are to grow. And from growth comes success and the resolve to continue to move forward.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking #counselingwithdebbie

Make The Wise Choice…

Choose wisely…the company you keep choose to friend those people who lift you up when you’re feeling out of sorts. Choose those people that make you smile. Choose to be friends with those who not only can help you but that you can assist as well. Choose those who welcome your assistance, whatever form that may take.

To those that tear you down well, wish them well and move on. They will find their place but perhaps that place is not in your life.

You deserve to feel good about yourself, always remember that.

#debbieailman #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #seriouscoaching #positivevibes

Be There…

Be there… and be as happy for the success of another as you are about your own successes. Be as supportive of another as you would want them to be for you.

We are all one big “team” and there is enough success to go around for everyone. Just because something good has happened for another it does not mean that yours has been taken away. Far from it.

When you are happy and supportive of others then the Universe is going to be supportive of you and the things you want to have happen in your life.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking