
Stand up- for what you believe in. If you feel you are right then say so and why you feel that way. There is no need to be rude or loud, just assertively state your case.

You can (and should listen) to another person’s point of view but it does not mean you have to adapt it if it doesn’t feel right to you. When something doesn’t feel right then it usually isn’t a good for you and you should leave leave it alone and go with your gut.

Stand up- because you matter and your beliefs matter as well.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #counselingwithdebbie #crystalhealing #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking

Take Some Action…

When you feel shaky and unsure concentrate on something you do well. This will help build your confidence and enable you to go on. Norman Vincent Peale, in his book “Positive Imaging” tells us that if you bake cookies well, then bake them…often, even if you give them away. The satisfaction of doing a task well puts you in a better frame of mind and helps you to be successful at doing other things that you may not be so sure of.
Try it, it works and check out Dr. Peale’s books as well- he is my favorite author.

seriouscoaching #debbieailman #positivevibes #crystalhealing

Don’t Entertain Him…

Okay if you’re gonna keep on doing it…entertaining the green- eyed monster, that is, then you’re going to stay stuck.

If you lean out the window to look at Paul’s new Mercedes and then think to yourself “Oh man, he doesn’t deserve that…I do!” then that car is just going to move further and further away from you because you believe that all there is is lack in this Universe; Paul has the car you want so that’s it; that’s the last one, and he’s got it! You might as well dust off that old rusty bike in the basement because that’s what you’ll be using.

But if you get up, get dressed, and go out to greet Paul to congratulate him on his brand new car and mean the words you say…then you have just affirmed a bountiful Universe. What Paul has can be yours as well (and no, you don’t have to steal his) In fact, this is your sign that yours is on the way.

It’s up to you really. If you want to be envious and turn green, be my guest.

But if you want to affirm our limitless Universe, then toss that green eyed goopy thing out your door and tell him to get lost. He’s got no place in your life. You’ve got better things to do.

#seriouscoaching #crystalhealing #debbieailman #positivevibes

They Matter…

Yes they matter- the things that we do well, but somehow, many times, we tend to downplay what we do- and play up the accomplishments of others.

Now there’s nothing wrong with admiring a job well done by another. It’s great to give them a compliment and mean it.

But how often do we say something like “Oh, it’s no big deal,” when someone compliments us on a job well done? And then how often do we then walk away feeling bad about ourselves, while the person who just gave us the compliment walks away perplexed?

But what if, when that person said “Job well done” we said something like “thank you” and then smiled? Think about the way that would feel. That feels a heck of a lot better than just walking away- doesn’t it?

So why no try it next time- because you do things well- and it matters.

#seriouscoaching #debbieailman #positivevibes #crystalhealing

Take it Easy…

There are times when we want to be high energy – we want to get things done because we have places to go and things to do. But there are times when we need to step back and slow down. There are times when we just have to say to ourselves “Hey, this is my time to just kick back, walk slowly, look around.”

Getting a lot done is great but if we think we can keep up a frenetic pace non-stop then we are in for a burn-out We need the time to chill out,

#crystalhealing #optimisticallyyours #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #positivethinking #debbieailman #LOA

Just A Little…

Just a little dab will do you..a little dab of kindness.

A friend of mine has an older family in the hospital, and this lady was scared. They give out little teddy bears to the little kids when they come in, but nobody thought to give one to this older lady except this one one orderly who grabbed on and gave it to the woman.

She immediately calmed down and hugged the little bear until she fell asleep peacefully. After that, she hung onto that stuffed toy and it comforted her. And so did the orderly, who made it a point to visit her each day after his shift.

A little kindness goes a long way.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #positivethinking #debbieailman #lifecoaching

Do You Shy Away…

Do you shy away from it…criticism? Do you see it as “all bad” or do you see it as an opportunity to learn something?

Not all criticism is bad and it’s up to you to put your emotions aside to see if there’s real value in what someone is saying to you. Many times there is that “nugget” of wisdom; a piece of advice that will genuinely benefit you, but when we let our feelings get in the way many times we don’t see it.

The next time someone “criticizes” you, stop and think about it for a minute. They just might be doing you a favor after all.

#seriouscoaching #debbieailman #positivevibes #crystalhealing

How Will It Go…

How will it go for you…your day? Will it go easily or will it be hard?

It’s in your hands’ your thoughts and feelings mold it for you. They determine the direction the day takes.

Expecting the best, thinking of the best and working towards the best possible outcome ensures a smoother running day…so start your off everyday day with intentions of “smooth sailing”

#deborahailman #career #positivevibes #goalsetting

You Can…

You have what you need. You have all you need to be successful right between your ears. Do you know how powerful you really are? Or do you let petty insecurities hold you back?
It has been said that we generally use no more than 10% of our total brain power. That means you have a vast storehouse of knowledge and ability that’s just lying there dormant waiting to be called upon.
Remember you power the next time you start to say “I can’t do this” Remember your power when you feel tempted to turn on your heels and run the other way.
You CAN do it.

debbieailman #strategicinterventioncoaching #seriouscoaching #positivevibes #crystalhealing

Are You Choosing Carefully…

Are you…making a habit of choosing your words carefully? Are you…making a habit of thinking only those thoughts that bring you comfort and also make others smile and want to be in your company?

It is said that more than 80,000 thoughts a day pass through our minds and that most of these thoughts are negative. Just think of the power if most of those 80,000 thoughts were positive and uplifting….

#debbieailman #seriouscoaching #positivevibes  #cystalhealing #coachingwithdebbie