Keep Focused…


Keep it focused…your attention on the right- here and right- now. Work with today, and what you can do today to make your day run more smoothly. Take action now.

Thinking about what you’re going to do tomorrow, or worrying about the stuff that happened yesterday won’t do a darned thing for you right now.

Your concentration on what’s going on at the moment will though

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking

Have Some…

bright celebration christmas color

Photo by Martin Hauenstein on

Ya gotta have some…enthusiasm. You have to have a zest for life and an appreciation of all the good things already in your life- if you want to enjoy it.

Sometimes it means being happy over little things- like a sunny day or a warm breeze. And many times it means making a conscious effort to shift the way we we from kind of “blah” to feeling optimistic about the day and all it brings.

Making an effort to be enthusiastic can make the difference between a gray day and a great day!

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #debbieailman #positivethinking #lifecoaching

It Doesn’t Matter…

Vibrant Sun 3

It doesn’t matter- what happened in the past- each day is brand new. Brand new actions to take, brand new feelings to feel, it’s a clean slate being offered to you.

But how many times do we take what is given us each day and just cast it aside, intent on bringing yesterday with us wherever we go. And it gets so heavy for us to carry that all we can think about is how much our arms hurt- and that is where our focus stays unless we choose to toss it aside and embrace our brand new gift.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #positivethinking #lifecoaching #debbieailman #counselingwithdebbie #crystalhealing

Are You…


Are you practicing it…gratitude? Do you make it a point to give thanks for all the good in your life? Do you get up in the morning and as your feet hit the ground say “thank you” for being here- another day on this glorious earth? Or do you get up, throw the covers off and then utter and expletive and literally “curse” the day? You hate your boss, your house, your spouse- and the kids are driving you nuts and it’s only 7am!

Go talk to someone who has no job and is struggling to find one. Or talk to that homeless man living by the dumpsters about how you don’t like your house anymore. Or the elderly gentleman who just lost his wife of sixty years- they went everywhere together. Or the young mother who buried her child- pediatric cancer and only five years old.

After you do that, do you still want to curse the day and be angry with your boss or your spouse? Will you still be angry at your kids that they’re making so much noise?

I don’t think so- do you?

#optimisicallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #positivethinking #debbieailman #lifecoaching



Cherish the moments you have with your loved ones- whether they be human or have fur or feathers. One day they might not be here anymore, and we could regret not spending more time with them.

Remember that nothing is as important as those close to you. Nothing. What you hold dear to your heart is the most important thing. Make the time.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking #crystalhealing

Hang On…

Are you hanging in there? Or do you quit each project after only a short time? Jacob Riis called “The Master Builder” once said that a stone cutter could deliver 100 blows to a stone and on the 101st try, the rock would split.

Are you hanging in at least that long or do you give up after the first meeting or phone call and say “Oh this is not for me” or “Things never go my way.”

How do you know if that situation would not have turned around for you if you had just hung on awhile longer…one more phone call; one more meeting, one more of whatever it takes?

Don’t sell yourself or your idea short!

#debbieailman #seriouscoaching #positivevibes #lifecoaching #crystalhealing counselingwithdebbie


Are You…


Are you one…a good friend? Are you there when someone needs you to lend a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on? Are you there to offer a smile and words of encouragement?

Or are you always “busy” when someone needs your help? Or do you try to “one up” people in their misery- “oh yeah, I don’t know why YOU’RE complaining- let me tell you about MY problems!”

Your attitude and actions towards others will make all the difference. They will either ensure that others will be there to help you in your time of need or they will ensure that you left standing alone.

#crystalhealing #debbieailman #positivevibes #seriouscoaching




Keep it focused…your attention on the right- here and right- now. Work with today, and what you can do today to make your day run more smoothly. Take action now.

Thinking about what you’re going to do tomorrow, or worrying about the stuff that happened yesterday won’t do a darned thing for you right now.

Your concentration on what’s going on at the moment will though

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking


Vibrant Sun 3

Anytime can be the time… the time for a fresh start.

It doesn’t have to be a new day or a new week or a new year. Your fresh start can begin right now, right where you stand.

All you need to do is say to yourself that you are beginning again- that you are letting the past stay in the past where it belongs, and that you will and are perfectly capable of doing what it takes to successfully move forward.

And you can do that right now.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking

Flip It…


Flip that switch…to the off position and shut off that anger before it ruins your day.

Guy cut you off in traffic? Let it go. Count to ten and let that feeling pass. Stub your toe? Breathe in and out…the pain will go away. Have you ever noticed that when you start jumping around and cursing that the pain seems to get worse and then you get madder and madder and then…the day goes down hill.

You have a choice when something happens that could potentially anger you. You can choose to get mad and that sets the stage for more anger to be part of your day. Or you can shrug it off and let it go…and see how peaceful it feels. See how much smoother you day starts to go when you deliberately place your thoughts in a better, calmer place.

#debbieailman #seriouscoaching #positivevibes #crystalhealing #lifecoaching #strategicinterventioncoaching