Your Own Barometer…

Be your own barometer. How can you do that? By noticing your feelings in different situations.

When you feel good; when you feel open; when you feel ANYTHING is possible then you know you’re in the right place… the place where dreams come true; the place where miracles happen.

But when you feel nervous, anxious, angry, jealous or insecure, then you’ve entered the land of “blockage” the place where you and the things you want stagnate and just seem to fall apart.

Practice feeling good. Practice being grateful for what you have.Practice being happy for the good fortune of others. Be kind in your words and deeds. Move forward in life with positive expectation and a smile.

See the difference it can make in your life.

#seriouscoaching #debbieailman #positivevibes #crystalhealing

Step Back…

Just step back for a moment…before you get angry. Stop and think, because at this point you can still turn it around and look for a calm solution. One you start screaming, however, anger can escalate. And then it can ruin your day. It can cause you to say things that you might not have said when you are calm- things you could regret.

So before you let anger get started, cut it off before it has the chance to bloom.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #debbieailman #positivethinking #lifecoaching

Be Glad…

Just be glad…for the good fortune of others. There’s no need to feel that because the next guy got something you wanted doesn’t mean there’s anymore for you.

When we foster jealousy & envy, we don’t open the door to abundance- we slam it shut. Feeling that way tells the universe that we feel there’s not enough so the universe will respond with some lean pickings.

There is always enough if you believe it to be true- but there’s the key to this equation- we have to believe first.

#seriouscoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking #crystalhealing

Time Well Spent…

Where are you spending your time? Are you lingering in the past, playing out old hurts over and over again in your mind so that it feels like pouring salt in an open wound? All that gets you is pain. All that does is make you sad.

The past is gone. It is done. it is never coming back again so there’s no point in beating yourself up over things that many have happened many years ago. No one is perfect. We all have made mistakes. We’ve all had a bad time in one way or another- but we do not have to let those mistakes or bad times define who we are today.

The present is here- right now. Start from here- right now. Let the past stay in the past where it belongs. You, however, have no place there anymore.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #debbieailman #positivethinking #lifecoaching #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie


It’s a reflection of you…your world; your life. The thoughts you think and the feelings you generate create it all around you; every minute of every day.

If you’re like this girl, she is happily dancing to her own beat and so are you.. You see life as a series of happy events and when challenges present themselves it is only to help make us better and stronger.

But if you’re generating thoughts of sadness and defeat; and if you are feeling that way every step of the way then that is what is popping up around you.

It’s your choice to make; it’s your world to live in.

#seriouscoaching #debbieailman #crystalhealing #positivevibes

Calm Is The Way…

Cultivate it as much as you can…an attitude of calm. Count to ten before you get angry. Instead of getting into an argument, walk away until you calm down. Take things at a slower pace when you can- you don’t have to be in a rush to go everywhere and do everything. Slow down a little. Spend some quiet time- maybe a walk or listening to relaxing music.

Cut off anger and drama before it takes hold. Cultivate that peaceful feeling.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #debbieailman #positivethinking #lifecoaching #counselingwithdebbie #crystalhealing

It’s What You Make Of It…

It’s what you make it…life. Do you choose to be appreciative? Are you happy for a sunny day or a hot cup of coffee? Or are those things just “mundane” and they don’t count? Are you sitting there just moping around and waiting to win the lottery or for your old rich uncle to kick the bucket? Do you figure that having all that cash will finally make you happy?

Well guess what…it won’t. Well, it will for a little while but then that feeling will wear off and you’ll be moping around again looking for some more rich relatives to pass away.

Be happy now! Be grateful now. Cultivate an attitude of appreciation. It will each day feel special and you won’t have to wait for a funeral.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #lifecoaching #debbieailman #counselingwithdebbie #positivethinking

Be The Light…

Are you a beam of light? Are you there when others need you? Do you offer encouragement, positive suggestions, a nod and a smile?

I recently read a story about a Special Olympics where there were nine runners. One of them fell and started to cry. The others turned right back around and wiping his tears away, they helped him to his feet; then they all linked arms and walked to the finish line together It was said the crowd gave them a standing ovation for more than ten minutes.

Will you be that person who turns back to help…or will you just sprint ahead to a hollow victory?


Are you using them…affirmations? If not why not?

Affirmations can really help. Pick out one that has meaning for you (or make your own) and say them often. Write them down and put them in places where you can easily see them to remind yourself to say and think about them. Say them to yourself in the mirror. Okay, it may seem silly at first, but the more you do it the more it makes sense to keep doing it and the more it helps. You’ll start reaching for what has become your “mantra” and stop using the usual things you tell yourself to beat yourself up.

And the more uplifting your words then the more uplifting your life becomes.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #positivethinking #debbieailman

Switch It Up…

Switch it up- your thoughts. If you think thoughts of gloom and doom and “I can’t” then how will you ever get to where you want to go? You are littering your path eith mental “garbage” and blocking your way.

Think about it- what are you dwelling on as you move through your day. Do your thoughts make you happy or bring you peace? Do they motivate you to reach a little higher?

Or do they bring you down and make you sad?

You have control here- so today think about where you want to go. Think about how you’ll feel when you get there. You’ll feel great, right?

So start by generating a feeling of greatness right now.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #positivethinking #debbieailman #lifecoaching