Happy New Year

I’m away from my computer tonight visiting friends for the New Year. I want to wish you the same-Happy new year!!!

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Take some time now that the New Year of 2010 is upon us. Stop to appreciate the beauty around you and how much you have in your life. You have much to be grateful for-so be happy now!

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Be Glad

Why not make today a happy day? Find something to be happy about and even to laugh about! It will make you want to keep smiling and make others around you smile as well! try it, you’ll feel great!

Have a happy day:)

come visit me at facebook www.facebook.com/optimistgreen?_fb_noscript=1


When you learn to control what you think you will improve the quality of your life. Positive, productive thoughts lead to your goals being manifested quickly. Negative, counter productive thoughts obly lead to your getting upset and feeling bad and delaying your goals. So work on keeping those thoughts positive!

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Keep It Up

As the holiday week continues on take a few minutes to remember to feel grateful for all the wonderful things in your life. Remember you are blessed!

Have a happy day:)

come visit me at facebook www.facebook.com/optimistgreen?_fb_noscript=1

And the Holiday Continues

Keep that Christmas spirit going through this holiday week and beyond. it makes you feel great- and great things can happen!

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to everyone! Take this time to reflect and be grateful for all the goodness in your life. Your friends, family, pets,fellow employees, neighbors, etc. Each person has a unique contribution-so value them!

come visit me at facebook www.facebook.com/optimistgreen?_fb_noscript=1

Stay Calm

Worrying never helps you. It only makes you upset, and when you are in turmoil you don’t make the best decisions. A calm mind helps you to analyze a problem and come up with a correct decision. A calm clear mind delivers power. A worried mind just delivers more worry-so break the worry chain!

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It’s the holiday season, and it’s time to reflect on all that we have to be grateful for. Let’s make this coming New Year of 2010 the best year ever!

We can do it!

come visit me at facebook www.facebook.com/optimistgreen?_fb_noscript=1


Focus on what you want to attract into your life and not on what you don’t want. A positive attitude can help you make your dreams reality for you. So stay positive and happy!

Have a great day:)

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