Watch For Signs

DSC00553_0018Signs are so important when using the Law of Attraction. Remember there are no coincidences and everything happens for a reason. If you think something may be a sign, then it is and pay attention to it. They will help show you the way.

Isn’t this picture pretty? The beautiful sunset was a sign to me of a wonderful evening to come.


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Get That Momentum Going

ForestYour goals will manifest themselves more quickly if your desire is strong and your intention is clear. Keep strong and steady and leave fear out of it. The more you stay on track, the sooner you’ll have what you want. You can do it!

Happy manifesting:)

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Try Networking

990210349_009One of the best things you can do for yourself when practicing the Law of  Attraction is to find like minded individuals. You can accomplish this by joining positive thinking groups. it feels so good to be surrounded by people who have similar goals and it generates lots of positive energy to help boost your goals. And talking to others helps keep you on track. Try a group today, you’ll be happy you did!

This picture has absolutely nothing to do with this post,in case you were trying to figure it out:)


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Money Magnet

35920036Set aside a few minutes each day (okay maybe more than just a few minutes-this is a fun one!)to imagine yourself to be a money magnet. Imagine money flying at you and sticking to you. Feel the happiness welling up inside you; a feeling similar to winning a lottery. Plan what you are going to do with this money with joy. Have some fun with it!


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Be Persistent

990210627_002When you want to climb to the top, be persistent. Surround yourself with like minded people, and don’t quit until you get to the top- it is where you belong-so keep going!

This is a picture of Prada, one year old, on top of the book case and master of all she surveys:)

Have a happy day:)

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Check Doubt At The Door

35920098Doubt is a negative vibration which cancels out a positive desire. So cancel out your doubt and make your thoughts positive. Don’t let doubt in, he’s not your friend. Leave doubt at the door, you don’t need him!

Have a happy day:)

This “Halloween” door is at the Belleview Biltmore.


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Love Yourself First

990105417_012You must love and respect yourself first before you can love and respect others. When you understand yourself, you provide a clear blueprint for the Law of Attraction to bring you what you want, including the type of person you desire in a relationship.

This is my mom and dad dancing.

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Make Today the Best

GardenMake today a good day, and do something for yourself. Go for a walk, listen to some nice music, make yourself your favorite dinner (or eat out), phone a friend. You deserve a nice day and you deserve  the best in life. Always remember that!

Have a happy day:)


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Set An Example

35920118Why not set a positive example when practicing the Law of Attraction? Compliment people around you. There’s always something nice you can say, whether it’s the great job they’re doing, or the nice dress they’re wearing, or the handsome picture of their family that sits on their desk. It makes people feel good to receive a compliment and makes you also feel good to give one. And feeling good helps propel you up the stairs to your dream.

This staircase is in the Belleview Biltmore Hotel, Clearwater, Florida


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Be Generous

990105417_025Why not donate some time ot money to your favorite charity? My favorite charities are those that deal with the welfare of animals, like the SPCA. Not only will you be performing a very valuable service, but it will make you feel wonderful, and that will let the Universe know you are ready to have your dreams fulfilled.

Have a happy day:)

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