Happy New Year!

Okay, it’s New Years so I’ll make this short and sweet-

Make this your best year ever!

Have faith in yourself and those you hold near and dear to you!

You can make it happen!


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You’re Up!

It’s almost 2011! You’re up! It’s your year so claim it. Claim the things you want. Don’t sit on the sidelines anymore. Move to centerĀ  stage where you belong. Believe that you can reach your goals. You can if you make them your priority.

Let your goals sit in the front seat with you. Fear and that other junk you’ve been carrying around- lock them in the trunk and let them die away from lack of fresh air.

It’s your life. They’re your dreams and they’ve been waiting to be born! So what are you going to do about it?

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See Only The Best

See only the best in people. Notice their good qualities. Their kindness, their sense of humor, their level headedness, their determination. If you look you will always find the good in people. And when you notice the good in others you will find it in yourself as well.

Don’t be quick to judge others. Be kind instead. Remember what you give out comes back to you:)


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How Would It Be?

How would it be if your life was just the way you dreamed of? How would you feel? What would you do?

Why not act “as if” you already have the life you want. Act as if you cannot fail. Walk with confidence. Talk with confidence. Pay your bills with a smile because you know there’s more money to come your way. Show the Universe that you’re ready to claim what’s yours. Step out with a smile. The world is yours and you know it.

Try it. See how it makes you feel. I’ll bet you’ll feel so good you’ll never want to go back to your old way of thinking:)


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Fresh Start

There is a book written by the author Doug Hooper and the title of it is “You Are What You Think.” It was written in 1980 and that was about the time I started on my journey with positive thinking. In it, Mr. Hooper tells the story of how he had to travel long distances in the dead of winter to keep his sales job. He had to drive in a car that had long since seen its better days.

One day, as he was driving through the mountains on a lonely road the car decided to “give up the ghost” and die. Here he was stuck all alone, in the middle of nowhere, in a raging snowstorm. He knew he was in trouble because he hadn’t seen another car in an hour. But suddenly, out of nowhere a stranger appeared. He told Doug to life the hood and signaled him to turn the ignition on. The car started. Doug asked the man how he was able to do that.

The man said “As long as a single spark remains it is not too late for either a car or a person to make a fresh start. Someday you will have occasion to apply this knowledge.”

So let me ask you this- is today your day?


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Celebrate You!

Take a moment to realize how wonderful you are. There is no one else quite like you. You are a unique individual with many great qualities. Remember that. Remember that you have a lot to contribute to this world to make it a better place. There will never be another “you.”

So celebrate yourself today! Right now! Stop what you’re doing and go do something nice for yourself. You deserve it.

And you’ll feel so much better when you do!


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Happy Holidays

Christmas.It’s not just a day. It’s a frame of mind. It’s a way of acting; a way of being. It’s having the wide eyed innocence of childhoodĀ  about everything, everyday.

You don’t have to be a big, fat, guy in a red suit to make a difference in the world. You don’t have to put up a big tree in your living room to bring a smile to someone’s face (besides the cats climb all over it anyway)Yeah, presents are nice but a gift of your time can mean so much more.

So why not make every day Christmas. It’s really not that hard. And just look at the benefits:)

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Just For Today

Its’ Christmas Eve. So why not, just for today, pick up that phone and call that person you’ve been mad at and say you’re sorry? Why not, just for today, put a smile on your face and greet every person you see? Why not, just for today, stop and put a few dollars into the cup of that lady you see begging every day. Why not, just for today, pay the toll for the car behind you or for the coffee of the car behind you at the drive through?

Why not, just for today embrace kindness and compassion? Why not make the world a little brighter just because you’re in it?

Then keep doing it. And not just for today.

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Hey, Your Life Is Calling You

Here that little voice? No it’s not your mother-in-law, she called last week. No that little whisper that you keep hearing. That little tap on your shoulder that you keep feeling. It’s your life calling you. Not the one you have now, the one full full of doubt, fear, unhappiness. Not that one. That life is just a whimper at your feet and you should kick it to the curb.

The new, shiny, happy, productive life is the one that’s calling you. The one that says “you can do it!” The one that says “You’re worth it!” The one that says “You deserve to be happy!” That one. Hear it? No? I can hear it from here and it’s driving me nuts. It keeps calling your name-so please do us both a favor and claim it-and start on your happy new journey:)

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The Grateful Game

There’s a new game in town! And it’s sweeping the nation. It’s called the “Grateful Game.” The object of the gameĀ is to write down everything you have to be grateful for in a 24 hour period of time. And as you write down each thing, take a moment to dwell on it and feel the good feelings that come up.

This is a different kind of game because you play it every day. And the winner? Well, it’s you!

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