Think Carefully…

Guide your thoughts carefully, because they determine your future. Keep them in the best possible light and directed to the goals you have set for yourself. Then they can begin to produce the future you want to see.

Try it and see the difference it can make in your life and you’ll feel great too.

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Take a Look…


Take a good look…at yourself. Look at all those wonderful qualities you have. There is no one in the world quite like you.

So many times, we put ourselves down. We play up the things that we might not be so good at and downplay all those things that we really do well. Somehow those things just aren’t that important; anybody can do those anyway.

But that is not true. You may have a way with words, while another does not. You might be good t math, while another (and I’m one of them) needs a calculator for everything. You might have an artistic flare while another can draw only stick figures.

Focus on what you do well and celebrate it!

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Are You Practicing It…


Are you practicing it…gratitude? Do you make it a point to give thanks for all the good in your life? Do you get up in the morning and as your feet hit the ground say “thank you” for being here- another day on this glorious earth? Or do you get up, throw the covers off and then utter and expletive and literally “curse” the day? You hate your boss, your house, your spouse- and the kids are driving you nuts and it’s only 7am!

Go talk to someone who has no job and is struggling to find one. Or talk to that homeless man living by the dumpsters about how you don’t like your house anymore. Or the elderly gentleman who just lost his wife of sixty years- they went everywhere together. Or the young mother who buried her child- pediatric cancer and only five years old.

After you do that, do you still want to curse the day and be angry with your boss or your spouse? Will you still be angry at your kids that they’re making so much noise?

I don’t think so- do you?

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You Make The Decision…



You make the decision…about how you feel when things happen to you.

Do you see a “problem” as a chance to grow, as a chance to learn new things?Do you go into it with an open mind and work toward the best possible outcome?

Or do you allow problems to devastate you and leave you immobile? Do you see the as thick, concrete walls that are impossible to climb?  Do you say to yourself that no matter what, this will NOT  have a good outcome?

You have two ways to look at this- one way will help you- and one way will not.

Which do you choose?

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Let’s Get Going…

35920022Let’s get going and embrace this new week ahead. Instead of dreading it, let’s grab it with both hands and jump right in.

The new week is here and we have a choice to make- do we welcome it and make the decision to make it all we can make it- or do we cover ourselves up with the blankets and wait for it to pass, so we can do the the same when next week comes?

It’s your decision, but there are so many more wonders to encounter when you come out from under that blanket.

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Don’t Get Stuck…

You know, sometimes we get stuck in a rut. We get comfortable doing the same things over and over again. An that’s okay, as long as we’re getting the results we want to get.

But if we’re not, then maybe it’s time to change the way we do things. Take a good hard look and decide where we need to change and how we’re going to do it.

Sure, it’s not always easy. It’s certainly not always comfortable. But is it worth it? Yes. And so are you.

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Just Be Glad…

Green SkyJust be glad…for the good fortune of others. There’s no need to feel that because the next guy got something you wanted doesn’t mean there’s anymore for you.

When we foster jealousy & envy, we don’t open the door to abundance- we slam it shut. Feeling that way tells the universe that we feel there’s not enough so the universe will respond with some lean pickings.

There is always enough if you believe it to be true- but there’s the key to this equation- we have to believe first.

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What Are You Telling Yourself…



What are you telling yourself? Are you telling yourself things that make you happy? Do you encourage yourself? Do you see the glass as half-full? Do you treat yourself like your own best friend? If not, why not?

We have a choice in this life. We have the power to make ourselves happy- or to make ourselves miserable. And we do that largely through our inner dialogue.

That little voice inside your head will keep talking. It will continue to give you feedback, but what that little voice tells you is up to you because you program it.

When you hear it speak negatively and pull you down stop it and say “Hey now, little voice, I do deserve to be happy. I can do what I set out to do. I can make a positive difference in this world and now I want you to start reinforcing those beliefs for me.”

See if the little voice starts to change its tune and sing your praises. The more positive you hear the more positive you do.

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Happy Thanksgiving…

thanksgiving_10000010848-120613intHappy Thanksgiving and may you all have a wonderful day and you find lots to be thankful for. Enjoy your day.

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What Is Your View…


What is your view- your view of the things that occur in your life?

Do you see obstacles as opportunities for growth or do you see them as a brick wall you can’t get past and so why even bother?

If you can see obstacles as disguised opportunities then you can keep climbing to the top and enjoy the view.

If you see them as brick walls then I hope you’re not claustrophobic.

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