Are You…

Are you one…a good friend? Are you there when someone needs you to lend a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on? Are you there to offer a smile and words of encouragement?

Or are you always “busy” when someone needs your help? Or do you try to “one up” people in their misery- “oh yeah, I don’t know why YOU’RE  complaining- let me tell you about MY problems!”

Your attitude and actions towards others will make all the difference. They will either ensure that others will be there to help you in your time of need or they will ensure that you left standing alone.

Move Forward

You can only move forward in life…and not go back- so keep that in mind when you keep dwelling on the past

What was said was said; what was done as done- and there’s just no undoing it If there is a lesson you can learn from the past then by all means take that lesson with you and use what you have learned right now and in the future. But if you keep going back to the past just to beat yourself up then you need to shut the door on it and leave it there because it has no place in your life anymore.

Go easy on yourself.

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New Perception…

Step back when needed- from a problem to get some fresh insight. When you’re feeling frustrated or nervous or angry- you know the feeling- like there’s a brick wall in front of you and you can’t get through it and you can’t see around it because it’s just there taking up your whole field of vision. Step back from it.

That’s the time to say “Okay wall, I’m going to leave you alone for the rest of the day. I’m going to go home, relax, get a good night’s sleep and tomorrow I’ll be back.”

When tomorrow dawns go back to your “wall” but bring two things with you – your mental “sledge hammer” to knock it down and your mental “rope” to climb over it. And you can decide which to use to say “bye, bye, wall.” With a new day you’ll have new perspective.

It’s Not Always Us…

You know, we’ve all seen it- someone we know is in a bad mood so the first thing we assume is that we have something to do with it. So we get defensive, ask them what the heck is wrong with them, and then it goes haywire.

We are all entitled to our emotions. Sometimes we have a bad day & all we want is to be left alone to sort it out. Give that person the space to do it. You can surely ask if there’s a problem, but if they don’t answer let it go. You can say something like “Hey I’m here if you need to talk” but then let it go.

Go about your day. Focus on happy things, because seeing you do that may help break the person out of their funk.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking

Be Glad…

Be glad…for the good fortune of others Be genuinely happy. Offer the your good will.

When we are jealous and envious, then we tell the Universe that because someone else had good fortune that there is not enough for us. And if we believe that there is not enough for us then that’s what will happen- there will not be enough. Then not only will we still be envious, but we’re not going to get what we want.

There is enough for everyone.Truly there is. Be glad for others and they will be here to be glad for you too.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #positivethinking #debbieailman

Find It…

Find your place. You’ll know when it feels right. Whether your place is in an office or out in the field; whether it is in a condo or a house or perhaps sharing your space with a good friend or maybe significant other or a houseful of pets…you’ll know what feels right. You’ll know what feels like YOU.

You don’t have to be what everybody else is…unless you want to. But there is a path for you; there is a road that has your name on it and it belongs to you.

So go and find it. It is waiting for you. It is where your destiny is

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Letting Go…

Sometimes ya gotta…let go. Sometimes you need to walk away from a situation where you may not be getting the best possible outcome. And that applies to our relationships as well.

If you are not being treated with respect and if you don’t feel good being in the company of another person then it may be time to move on. Waiting for somebody to change may mean you’re in for a very long wait. Yes, people CAN change and often do- but a lasting change is one where the person makes that change because they honestly feel it is in their own best interest to do so and not because somebody else is trying to “make” them do it. Those types of changes never last and the person being asked to make that change may come to resent it- and you.

Always remember that you are worth being loved and appreciated and seek out those who will indeed appreciate you- and then you do the same for them.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking #crystalhealing

It’s Your Way…

It’s got to belong to you- your path; your journey. Sure you can look at a friend and say “Should I be doing that?” or “Look at Joe, maybe I should get into his field of work because he does so well.”

But, you know what? We can do that all day. We can look at this one and that one and then we can wonder if we “measure up.” Would our lives be better if we were more like someone else?

But the old saying “The grass is greener on the other side” is a very true one. Somethings do look better looking from the outside in, but if you keep looking t different people and then changing your mind you’ll never find your way.

Let your inner voice guide you and choose it as your ONLY guide.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #debbieailman #lifecoaching #positivethinking

Are You Using Them…

Are you using them…affirmations? If not why not?

Affirmations can really help. Pick out one that has meaning for you (or make your own) and say them often. Write them down and put them in places where you can easily see them to remind yourself to say and think about them. Say them to yourself in the mirror. Okay, it may seem silly at first, but the more you do it the more it makes sense to keep doing it and the more it helps. You’ll start reaching for what has become your “mantra” and stop using the usual things you tell yourself to beat yourself up.

And the more uplifting your words then the more uplifting your life becomes.

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Watch what you say…when you speak to another. Watch the tone of your voice. Watch the words that come out of your mouth.
Words have tremendous power, and they can wound deeply and the wound can stay there and fester.
Many times, what you think is funny cuts to the bone to another.’
So ask yourself before you speak “Is this the way I’d like to be spoken to?”

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