Find It…

Find your place. You’ll know when it feels right. Whether your place is in an office or out in the field; whether it is in a condo or a house or perhaps sharing your space with a good friend or maybe significant other or a houseful of pets…you’ll know what feels right. You’ll know what feels like YOU.

You don’t have to be what everybody else is…unless you want to. But there is a path for you; there is a road that has your name on it and it belongs to you.

So go and find it. It is waiting for you. It is where your destiny is

#seriouscoaching #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivevibes #crystalhealing

Are You Grateful…

Are you practicing it…gratitude? Do you make it a point to give thanks for all the good in your life? Do you get up in the morning and as your feet hit the ground say “thank you” for being here- another day on this glorious earth? Or do you get up, throw the covers off and then utter and expletive and literally “curse” the day? You hate your boss, your house, your spouse- and the kids are driving you nuts and it’s only 7am!

Go talk to someone who has no job and is struggling to find one. Or talk to that homeless man living by the dumpsters about how you don’t like your house anymore. Or the elderly gentleman who just lost his wife of sixty years- they went everywhere together. Or the young mother who buried her child- pediatric cancer and only five years old.

After you do that, do you still want to curse the day and be angry with your boss or your spouse? Will you still be angry at your kids that they’re making so much noise?

I don’t think so- do you?

#optimisicallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie

What Direction Is it…

Where does your passion lie? What really makes your heart leap when you think of it? You know the feeling I’m talking about… and you feel like a million dollars when you speak of it and you can speak about it for seemingly hours.

Is that the direction your life is taking? Are you routinely engaged in activities that spark your passion, in activities that give you purpose and a reason to smile so big you think you’re going to crack your face?

Or are you just going through the motions everyday wishing you could just throw the covers over your face and forget about the new day?

Take time today to find ways to make your passion part of your everyday life. It is worth the time.

#debbieailman #seriouscoaching #positivevibes #crystalhealing #coachingwithdebbie


Have a great one- a great Saturday. Remember that you don’t have to be Superman every day. Sometimes it’s just good to step back a little and take a break. Look around a little and smell the roses along the way.

You can be Superman tomorrow.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwthdebbie #positivethinking #debbieailman #lifecoaching

Trust Yourself…

Learn- to trust your capabilities. Trust yourself. When you feel moved to do something then move forward. When you feel you can do something new, there’s a reason for that- it’s your inner voice telling you that you can. Go with it. Believe in it.Believe in yourself.

When you feel the fear of “second guessing” yourself start to surface then push it back. Remind yourself how far you’ve come- and you know what? You can take yourself the rest of the way too.

Just trust in the person you know the best…you.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #positivethinking #lifecoaching #debbieailman

Now Is The Time…

It’s always the right time…to begin. If you have the idea, the dream, the goal- then it’s time. You will find a way to make it happen. It is why the dream lives on inside you- because you have what it takes to bring it into the physical world.

Use that power and use it now- don’t let your dream die an early death.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #debbieailman #lifecoaching #positivethinking


Let It Go…

Let go…of things you might have said or done that didn’t turn out exactly as you might have liked. Perhaps you said the wrong thing. Perhaps a decision you made did not turn out exactly as you wanted it to. Maybe you shouldn’t have gone down that path at all.

But you said it or you did it. You can’t take it back. You cant make time go in reverse and get a “do-over.” It’s just not gonna happen.

But you can put it behind you. You can take the time, on the next go around, to think more carefully before you speak, or to perhaps approach something in a different way.

Let it teach you a lesson- a way to do better the next time. But don’t let it ever defeat you.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positive thinking


Find strength in the stillness. Marvel at the beauty around you….the clouds, the sunsets, the flowers….whatever scenery pleases you.

Know that this magnificence is your benefactor if you allow it to be. Its unlimited power can light your way, so relax and fall into its loving grasp

Make time to experience it because it will help you along your way

#debbieailman #seriouscoaching #lifecoaching #positivevibes #crystalhealing

Are You Using It…

Are you using it well… your imagination? Are you using it to zoom in on the things you want,painting a colorful picture of what you want your life to be like? Are you painting smiles and happiness? Are you using it to focus in on your goals in great detail?

Good for you!

But if you’re using it and the pictures you’re painting are sad or dull or boring to you…like watching paint dry, then it’s time to spice it up!

Really get into it and see your life the way you want it to be. Put some color in there. Put some smiles in there. Take that dull and boring stuff out of there and toss it away.

You don’t want dull! You don’t want sad or boring either.

So get to work.

What Do You Say…

What do you say? What words come out of your mouth? Is your language peppered with words like “I can’t” or “I don’t like this”? Do you then stand there and wonder why things don’t go your way or why things seem to be such a struggle sometimes?
Your words set the stage for the things that happen to you. Your words and the emotions associated with those words pave the way for the fashion in which your day unfolds. Your words can make you or break you.
But words like “I can” and “I can see the good in this” and a big smile on your face set the stage as well. They set the stage for happiness. They set the stage for success. These kinds of words and the emotions associated with them lift you up and show you the way to make things possible. These words help you to shine.

crystalhealing #debbieailman #seriouscoaching #positivevibes #strategicinterventioncoaching