Surround Yourself…

Surround yourself with them…positive people, when you can.

Okay, I can already hear what you’re saying “I can’t pick my family, Debbie,” and you’re right- you can’t. But you can pick your friends.

Now I’m not telling you to abandon your friend in need- we all have times when we just need to “talk it out” and we should be that sympathetic ear. But when all you get is a sea of negativity all the time and it’s starting to affect you- then perhaps you might to cultivate more friendships that are mutually rewarding.

Don’t abandon your friends but instead widen your circle-the more positivity you can expose yourself to the better you will feel and the better able you will be to help your less positive friends find solutions that can help them; after all, everyone wants to be around happy, smiling and positive people because it rubs off. Then everyone feels better.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #positivethinking #debbieailman #lifecoaching


Let It Roll…


Let it roll… like water off a duck’s back-what somebody else is saying when they’re upset.

So often, their attitude often has nothing to do with you. The holidays can be a trying time for many.We like to think of it as all Santa Claus and shiny gifts, but many people feel a sense of loss.

Keep that in mind when someone lashes out. They may be hurting inside and just need some compassion. Don’t escalate the argument. Don’t add fuel to the fire. Just nod, stay silent, or walk away if you have to. Keep compassion in your heart.

#crystalhealing #positivevibes #debbieailman


What’s Your Story…

What’s your story? Okay, what I mean is- what story do you tell yourself? Do you tell yourself a story of how you’re not good enough or that you can’t do anything right or that everybody else on this planet is somehow better than you?

That’s a crummy story. It’s also a lie. You’re telling yourself lies.

If you’re telling yourself the story of how you are equal to any challenge that comes your way and that there are plenty of things you do right and that you are just as good as anybody else then I like your story. It’s a good one so keep it. It’s also the truth.

What’s your story now?

#debbieailman #positivevibes #crystalhealing


You Can Only Move Forward…

You can only move forward in life…and not go back- so keep that in mind when you keep dwelling on the past

What was said was said; what was done as done- and there’s just no undoing it If there is a lesson you can learn from the past then by all means take that lesson with you and use what you have learned right now and in the future. But if you keep going back to the past just to beat yourself up then you need to shut the door on it and leave it there because it has no place in your life anymore.

Go easy on yourself.

#debbieailman #positivevibes #crystalhealing


Give Yourself Break…

You deserve it…a break. Life is about balance- because balance is what gets the job done right. Knowing when to work and when to stop. Knowing when to take a step back and recharge. And most of us know when that time is, because, as we continue to work because we think we should- we just start making lots of mistakes. We get frustrated and angry, but we keep at it anyway, and we keep spiraling downward.

That is your signal to step away. That is your signal to make a shift in your thoughts and activities and do something you like. You’ll know again when it’s time to get back to the task at hand.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #lifecoaching #debbieailman #crystalhealing #counselingwthdebbie #positivethinking


Do They Define You…

Are you letting them define you…mistakes? Do you think because you made a mistake doing something that you should never try again?

You fell down the first time you tried to walk, right? But you walk now, don’t you? What would happen if after you fell down the first time you never tried it again? You’d have some pretty dirty knees that’s for sure.

Now, we know that obviously we tried and tried until we got it right. And we did it because it was an important thing to learn. It mattered.

So shouldn’t you feel that determination for everything you attempt? Very few things are ever going to go perfectly on the first attempt. That’s why you do it again…

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #debbieailman #lifecoaching #positivethinking #counselingwithdebbie


Let’s Do It…

Let’s do it…let’s get a little (or a lot) of enthusiasm!

Instead of just moping around being all depressed that we have to work or that we have chore to do that may not be our favorite, let’s switch it up.

Sit up straight at your desk. Smile. Take a deep breath and say out loud “I am grateful for this day and I’m going to make it the best day I can!”

Do you feel a change in the energy? If yes, then great, but if no, then do it again until you feel it.

We’re going to work; we’re going to do some chore that is not exactly our favorite thing to do- so why not make it as pleasant as we possibly can? It will make the day better for ourselves and everyone around us.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #debbieailman #positivethinking #lifecoaching #counselingwithdebbie

Parashoots Sun

Are You Noticing…

Are you noticing them…the signs all around you? Little subtle signs from the Universe letting you know that it has heard you and is helping you.

That song on the radio, that billboard, an overheard conversation- anything that has you thinking “Hey- could that be a sign?” if you think that, then guess what? It is and it was meant for you.

Don’t discount the signs along the way.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking


How Strongly…


How strongly do you feel…about the things you think you want? Are you willing to go to bat for them wholeheartedly, to give it your all? Or at the first sign of trouble will you say to yourself something like “Oh, I guess this wasn’t meant to be. I’d better find something else to do although I really liked the idea of doing (you fill in the blank)”
Did you know Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to climb to the peak of Mt. Everest in May of 1953 actually failed to reach its summit in 1952?
He felt like a failure even when he was being honored for his valiant attempt.
It was only when he shook his fist at a picture of the mountain and said something like “you’re not going to beat me!” And then he gathered himself up, got himself ready, took a deep breath and started up the summit again, this time to be victorious.
So how strongly do you feel about the goals you have for yourself? Are you willing to put it all on the line to achieve them or will you back down when the going gets a little tough?

Don’t Let It Haunt You…

Don’t let it haunt you…your past. Don’t carry it around with you everywhere you go. Don’t let it take up all that room in your thoughts. It needs to be left behind.

We all make mistakes. We’ve all done things that we’ve been less than proud of. All of us. The point ere is- do we learn from these things and move on successfully- or do we just keep reliving them over and over and over again?

Your choice. Stay stuck with the “ghosts” of yesterday or move forward towards a brighter tomorrow?

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #positivethinking #debbieailman #lifecoaching #counselingwithdebbie #LOA .
