So Who Are You Listening To Anyway?

990105679_002So who are you listening to anyway, when it comes to your own life and what you want to do? Are you listening to your gut or are you giving more weight to everybody else no matter who they are?

Okay, it is a good thing to listen to the advice of those close to you; after all they do care about you and want you to be happy, and let’s face it, they know a lot about you, so they can probably give you some good advice…but that still doesn’t mean you have to take it. If it doesn’t feel right to you then leave it on the table.

But when you start giving serious consideration to the guy that stood behind you on the long check out line, or the new mail carrier that just introduced herself to you today; when you think that maybe they have some “inside scoop” on what’s best for you; on which path you should take in your life…well, I’d rethink that one and definitely trust your own gut and not theirs.

Deep inside YOU  know what’s best for you so listen to yourself more!