Do You Seek To Live Harmoniously?

35920022Do you seek to live harmoniously with others and with all the different situations that come into your life? Or are you angry all the time; at others; at life in general? Are you good at playing the “blame game”‘…nothing is EVERĀ  your fault but the fault lies with everyone else, and if they could only be better, if they could only do better, well, then, life would be just sooooooo much better for you.

Have you thought to look at the person you see in the mirror each morning and ask THAT person what he/she could do to be more pleasant…to be kinder, to take a step back BEFORE they start blaming life, the plumber, the boss, the mother-in-law the…well you get where I’m going with this so do yourself a favor and have a long talk with the person you see in the mirror each morning; a good heart felt one and see how life can change and be a little more lighter and brighter:)