Slow Down…

DSC01603_0073Slow down…and don’t let life pass you by. Being faster is not always better. Letting time with those close to you slip away because you just don’t have time may be something you regret down the line. We never know what tomorrow may bring.

Take it a little slower today. Take a deep breath and look around. Take it all in…the full picture and not just a blur.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #lifecoaching #debbieailman #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #positivethinking

Let It Roll…



Let it roll… like water off a duck’s back-what somebody else is saying when they’re upset.

So often, their attitude often has nothing to do with you. The holidays can be a trying time for many.We like to think of it as all Santa Claus and shiny gifts, but many people feel a sense of loss.

Keep that in mind when someone lashes out. They may be hurting inside and just need some compassion. Don’t escalate the argument. Don’t add fuel to the fire. Just nod, stay silent, or walk away if you have to. Keep compassion in your heart.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #lifecoaching #counselingwithdebbie #positivethinking #debbieailman #crystalhealing

Take The Time…

35920022Take the time…to spend time with those close to you. Don’t brush them off, thinking that there will always be time to see your parents, or your elderly aunt- or any of them, But the truth is, as we know, that tomorrow is promised to no one so make that time TODAY for those who matter in your life. The movie can wait. The shopping can wait.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #debbieailman #positivethinking #lifecoaching



Happy Easter!



Happy Easter to all those who celebrate it. And for those who do not then I hope you have a wonderful Sunday and remember to treat yourself with kindness because you matter in this world. Enjoy your day!

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking


Each day, each sunrise gives us a chance to begin again. No matter what happened the day before, we can start fresh to make it the way we want it to be. We can mend a fence; we can cast our worry aside and boldly go for the things we want in life, but it is our choice:)

It’s There for a Reason

Its there for a reason…your dream…your goal. The one you keep dismissing; the one you said was silly, that it was unattainable, the one you said would never fit into your life.

So why does it pull at your heartstrings each time you think of it? Why, if it’s so “not for you” do you daydream about it?

Think about it. You just might come to a different conclusion:)

Your Thoughts Will Decide

Your thoughts will decide for you…how things go. Your thoughts  will decide if you have a day filled with peace and calm or if you have a day strewn with misery.

Your thoughts…YOU…it is your decision which thoughts to reach for to make you feel better, to make you more productive, to give you peace. Nothing outside of yourself just you:)

Quit Bellyaching!

The other day I was standing in line at the Dunkin Donuts and I heard these two ladies talking while they had their coffee. One was telling the other how miserable her life was…her husband didn’t understand her and her son hated her. She went on and on and I watched the other lady’s eyes fill with tears. She finally said “stop!” I only wish my husband was still alive and it’s been years since I saw my son. You are so lucky to have someone there with you. I only wish I still had someone at home to argue with, I only have the walls to talk to now.”

Quit bellyaching! There’s ALWAYS  someone who has it worse than you:)

Roll With It

Roll with it…the things that happen to you. Don’t come apart at the seams just because you miss the bus or because you forgot something.

Don’t blow things out of proportion. There will always be these petty little annoyances, so don’t make then any bigger than they have to be:)


Celebrate something. Yes, pick something you like to do and just do it and be happy. You deserve it. so come on do it:)