It’s Yours…

This is your decision and your decision alone- the path you take in life.

So what feels right to you? What is calling to you? Those are strong indicators of the right road for you.

And it doesn’t have to be what everyone else is doing- that’s why they call it “your path” It’s not about your sister or the guy across the street- they have their own way to go.

Your path will be the one you feel best on. It will be the one that brings you joy just thinking about it. It’s where you belong.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #positivethinking #debbieailman #lifecoaching

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You can (if you really want to) expand your horizons. You can take the first step towards the hings you want in life.

Can it be scary? You bet. Can it make us anxious and uncomfortable? Definitely. Is it worth it? What do you think?

Do you think it would be better for you to spend your life in your “comfort zone” and never know the thrill of stretching your boundaries; never knowing what it’s like to discover new things and just how much you’re really capable of? Do you really just want to sit there and collect dust?

So, at the end of your life do you want to be known as the adventurer or the dust collector? I know which one I choose- how about you?

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #positivethinking #debbieailman #lifecoaching

Vibrant Sun 3

Are You Patient…

Vibrant Sun 3

Are you patient? Or are you in a rush often, jumping from one thing to another; never giving your idea a chance to come to fruition? Do you look at one thing, tap your feet for a few minutes and then say something like “Oh that won’t work…let me try this instead?”

Many opportunities are missed because we just don’t give it any time. We want instant results and anything less than that is just…well no good.

Be patient; insights come your way when you mind is calm and relaxed. Maybe those insights will tell you to keep going or maybe not…but with patience your timing will be right…not rushed.

#seriouscoaching #debbieailman #positivevibes #crystalhealing

So What Are You Doing…


So what are you doing to smile; what are you doing to laugh?

Yes, you can do something silly; just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean you have to be all serious all the time. Sure, we all have responsibilities, but we need to take a break from them from time to time.

Go to an amusement park. Have a pillow fight. Watch a funny movie. Do stuff to make you smile and laugh. In fact, why not,right this minute think about something that cracks you up.

You just laughed, didn’t you? Now don’t you feel a lot better than you did five minutes ago?

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Are you a smiler or a frowner? Are you a pleasure to be around; do people actively seek out your company and look forward to spending time with you or do they run and hide when they see you; not wanting to hear you whine and complain about everything from your stubbed toe to the way you feel about the state of the world today?

Look, people who smile and are pleasant not only make the people around them feel better but they make themselves feel better as well.

So be a smiler. Besides, frowning gives you wrinkles.

#seriouscoaching #debbieailman #positvevibes #crystalhealing

Only You…


Your attitude is in your own hands. The way you feel is in your own hands. Only you can turn it around.

Only you can make the sun come out on a cloudy day. Only you can find the good in a seemingly hopeless situation.

Only you can make you be happy. No one else. No, not even your crazy neighbor up the street who mows his lawn in his underwear. You might laugh for a minute or two, but unless you take your fate in your own two hands and decide to be happy that moment fades quickly.

Don’t look to others for happiness. It’s nice to have friends who love you but it’s so much more important for you to love yourself first. Once you learn to do that happiness will follow right behind.

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Do You Shy Away From It…

Do you shy away from it…criticism? Do you see it as “all bad” or do you see it as an opportunity to learn something?

Not all criticism is bad and it’s up to you to put your emotions aside to see if there’s real value in what someone is saying to you. Many times there is that “nugget” of wisdom; a piece of advice that will genuinely benefit you, but when we let our feelings get in the way many times we don’t see it.

The next time someone “criticizes” you, stop and think about it for a minute. They just might be doing you a favor after all.

#seriouscoaching #debbieailman #positivevibes #crystalhealing

Vibrant Sun 3

Are You Communicating…

Are you communicating actively to those close to you about your wants and needs- or do you just assume they can read your mind?

Do you sit and pout because your significant other didn’t remember that you casually mentioned that you wanted to try the new restaurant in town and then said nothing more about it- and now it’s Friday night and you’re angry because they didn’t suggest that you go there? Then why not say “I’d like to try that new restaurant in town; why don’t we go this Friday night?”

People are not mind readers. Each person has a myriad of thoughts, concerns, hopes and fears. Knowing this, it is up to us to clearly communicate what it is we want and not get angry because that person is not hanging onto every single word we say and putting those words above everything that they are thinking or worrying about.

Be direct- in a kind and compassionate way but say what you mean.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #counselingwithdebbie #positivethinking #lifecoaching #debbieailman


What Are You Waiting For?

990105417_016What are you waiting for? What are you waiting for that will enable you to go after your dream? Are you waiting for the sun to shine at a certain angle, or for your cup of coffee to be just the right temperature, or for next week, next month or even next year?

Conditions may never be exactly what you expect or want them to be. There will always be variables. There will be detours (big or little) along the way, but the time to start is now. Right now. No, I said now- I see you still sitting there.:)

Do You Notice How It Feels?

TulipsDo you notice how it feels…when you are grateful for something? Do you see the difference it makes not only in  your own reactions but also in the reactions of others? Do you notice how much nicer people are, hoe much more cooperative they seem to become and how much more they smile?

Being grateful opens doors you might not even know existed. It can enhance your life a thousand times over. Try being grateful today, even if you start with saying a silent “thank you” for a cup of coffee.