
Neighbors, they can be a wonderful thing. They are someone to rely on when you need a cup of sugar, someone to have a cup of coffee with, or to chat with you when you mow the lawn. It’s a good feeling to know that there is somebody close by when you need a shoulder. Let’s face it- it’s a nice thing to know you have good neighbors.

How do you get good neighbors? By being one yourself. Be considerate. Don’t block their driveway with your car just because you were too lazy to pull into the garage. Don’t blast your music late at night when you know your neighbor has to get up at five a.m. Knock on their door and ask them if they need anything at the grocery store if you’re on the way there. Invite them over for some cake and coffee.

You get what you give and this even applies to your neighbors. Be a good one and your neighbor will be good to you as well:)

please visit my website http://www.optimistforever.comĀ  My featured product of the week is the “Law of Attraction and You” class which teaches you to use the LOA more effectively to bring more of what you want into your life. This class includes personal counseling and it’s only 19.95 so please consider signing up today:)

Believe in You

If you need to believe in someone- believe in you. You are the miracle you seek. You have everything you need to make or break your world. You don’t need to believe in Santa or the Easter Bunny. You don’t need to believe in your Aunt Fannie or your next door neighbor. If you do, well that’s fine but don’t neglect the most important person of all- you.

Think about it. Go ahead, I’ll wait. But when you’re done march yourself over to the mirror and introduce yourself to your new best friend, your new “superman”-YOU!

please visit my website The featured product this week is the class “Law of Attraction and You” designed to help you use the LOA to bring more abundance into your life:)